Tomorrow will be 26 weeks, yeah! Only 14 to go.... oh my god it sounds like a long time when I put it like that. This week Audrey is a little over a pound. I have gained 23 pounds to date *sigh* and one pound of it is baby. At the very least, if I only gained another 7 pounds of baby I would still be at 30 and lord knows I won't just gain that much. Oh well, I'll worry about that later. I'm just glad everything is going well so far. I've gotten to the point at work that my patients don't ask IF I'm pregnant, they ask when I'm due... and I hear stories about all of thier birth experiences and their pregnancies. Sometimes I get advice too, or people telling me "oh, wow, you're big for 6 months." Yeah, well lets see how fast your pain meds come next time... :) This is the point in the pregnancy were I supposedly will feel her move the most. Her size to uterus room ratio is just so she has lots of room to kick and is big enough to easily feel and see it. Aaron can easily feel her move now too. I like when he gets to feel her and when he talks to her, I hope we both have an equal chance to bond with her after she's born. I already know Aaron is going to be so in love with this little girl.
I moved back in this past week, its been great to be back in the house and back with Aaron. Things have been going really well and I hope they stay this way. The stress of the house is mostly done with and we have time to do things we enjoy including spending time together. The house is all decorated for Halloween, it looks great! I'm going to be a cat with the belly cut out and painted with fish for Halloween. Audrey will have to experience her first Halloween in the belly, but next year she'll get to go trick or treating with daddy :)
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