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Monday, November 23, 2009

Almost 31 weeks

We're really cooking now :) I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow and it's starting to feel real and close. Every day I can feel her moving, poking, turning, hiccuping... its definetly the coolest thing I've ever felt. I could sit and watch my belly endlessly. I love to poke her little foot when she kicks and watch & feel her kick me back. Audrey has gotten big enough that I can see her move as much as I feel her. Baby girl has hiccups right now as I'm writing this. It feels kind of like a bass drum vibrating in your gut. We got her crib a few days ago and have started putting together all of the decoration and furniture for her room (well, Aaron has) and it looks great. We went with primary colors and an animal circus theme.

I've started to have contractions every now and then which aren't very comfortable, but aren't awful either. It feels like someone is squeezing my belly for about 30 seconds, then it lets go. I have another OB appointment today. From now on they're every 2 weeks, then they go to every week in another month. Horray Audrey! You're making progress!